The development of China’s aluminum industry may show these changes in 2022

1、 The guarantee degree of bauxite resources in China is further reduced. According to the 2020 census results released by the Ministry of natural resources in 2021, the proved reserves of bauxite resources in China were only 576.524 million tons in 2020. This means that the potential risk of resource guarantee for the sustainable development of China’s aluminum industry is increasing sharply, so it is urgent to strengthen efforts to solve the problem of comprehensive utilization of low-grade bauxite resources.

2、 The trend of China’s bauxite relying on import has further intensified. In 2021, China’s bauxite import volume has exceeded 100 million tons. For 2022, China’s bauxite import volume will continue to increase, and its bauxite outsourcing cost and transportation cost will also increase.

3、 With the increase of alumina production in China, the production of red mud will continue to grow, and the hidden danger of red mud to the ecological environment is also increasing. Calculated by importing more than 100 million tons of bauxite every year, it means that more than 60 million tons of imported red mud are produced. The large amount of red mud should be paid great attention to by relevant departments.

4、 China’s electrolytic aluminum production capacity and output will continue to grow. In 2022, China’s electrolytic aluminum output is expected to exceed 40 million tons.

5、 China’s aluminum processing industry continues to maintain a growth trend. In 2022, in addition to meeting the needs of traditional real estate, automobile and other industries, China’s aluminum industry will also have new growth needs in infrastructure, aerospace, military, new machinery manufacturing, modern household appliances, new energy and other fields. In addition, new market breakthroughs are expected in high-voltage electronic capacitor aluminum foil and special aluminum alloy materials.